
The Shell Policies

The name is “The Shell”, which is also an acronym, standing for “Seacoast Harbors Every Liberty Lover”. It advances our Seacoast theme, emphasizes a safe harbor for liberty lovers, emphasizes our welcoming nature to diverse liberty lovers, alludes to (but is different organizationally from) SWELL “Seacoast Welcomes Every Liberty Lover”.

We are geographically located near, although not limited to, the Seacoast, the Lakes, and Moose Mountain regions. With a few exceptions (to be explained below), you must be a member — or the guest of and in the company of a member — to enter.

The Shell survives on membership dues, so if you desire a multi-purpose venue for liberty lovers that is not constrained to a public restaurant or your living room, please support us by becoming a Member. Donations are also accepted and appreciated, but are not tax deductible as we are not a 501(c)(3) corporation.

The Shell’s mission is “To provide a community space in the Seacoast region for liberty lovers and their guests, and to share a love of liberty with the broader world.”

The current Shell address:

Three Front Street, Room B10, Rollinsford NH 03869, part of the Lower Mills of the Salmon Falls Mills.


We use our own chairs, tables, bean bags, couches, TVs, lamps, rugs, sound systems, etc.

We are doing this on a shoestring, so any donation would be appreciated.

Any expenditure on behalf of the Shell for which reimbursement is requested must be pre-approved by Board. It is the Boards responsibility to create a budget based upon forecasted revenue (fees and donations).


The Board will recommend who should receive a key for normal room access, and who should receive a key for 24/7 access. The Board may devise other methods for access to the room (e.g., lock box with key). The Board may devise a method for logging into and out of the space, including noting the cleanliness and tidiness of the space.

Members who use the Shell are responsible for leaving the space clean and tidy for the next user. A cleaning fee and loss of access privileges may be arbitrated if this is not done regularly. For informal (non-event) use, the first Member to arrive at the Shell is responsible for “closing” when they leave (i.e. making sure the space is picked up, heater turned off, and the door is locked), unless one or more other Members is still there. In that case, the first Member to arrive is responsible for explicitly handing off closing responsibilities to another Member. It is expected that such hand-off will be accepted.


Full Members may guest as many guests as they want. The guesting Full Member is responsible for his guest(s), and for any trash, disarray, disruption, or damage that the guest may cause.

For events added to the official schedule, the Organizing Member may decide any door “contribution” to The Shell that guests must contribute (e.g., $5 or $10) that makes sense for the event.


Official communications will be by Signal. 

Event Scheduling:

Event scheduling is overseen by the Board. Scheduling events is intended to be on a first-come, first-served basis, with a possible future constraint that we want every Full Member to have opportunities to create and offer events, even if it is just an open “hang” time. A central schedule will be maintained. It is the intention that Full Members will be able to directly add their events onto the calendar, and that events on the calendar will be communicated to websites, to other organizations, to Facebook groups, etc.

Organizing Members:

Full Members organizing a scheduled event (including a simple “hang”) are called “Organizing Members”. They are responsible for the event, and for their guests; other Members are responsible for people that they guest to the event. Organizing Members will have access to the space and will be responsible for the space overall during the event, including opening and closing (cleanliness, heater off, locking door) or explicitly obtaining agreement from another Member to take over closing responsibility. Organizing Members who no longer have anything on the calendar must return their key. The Organizing Member has authority over the event, and may ask other Members or guests to leave the space if their activity is not congruent with the event. The Member/guest asked to leave is expected to comply.


To the extent that the Board deems that we use keys, lost keys are a $10 charge. The Facilities Manager keeps track of the keys.


Smoking is prohibited within ten feet away from the building (per the lease). No open flames are permitted in the building.

Dress Code:

Appropriate casual attire is expected of members and their guests; no nudity.

The Shell Bylaws: